Uluru, Ayers Rock, Australia

Sunrise Sunset Calendar
Selected Major World Cities
and Places of Interest

Please Select Your Location[1]

  We have more USA cities and parks on our SunriseSunset.com USA home page U.S. states page.
Many Canadian cities and towns. SunriseSunset.com Canada home page
Australia cities, towns and parks. SunriseSunset.com Australia home page
Locations in England. SunriseSunset.com England home page
Also, a selection of world Golf Courses is available.

Set your calendar options then "Make Calendar".

and month, year   





 Time style:

 Calendar starts on:

Help with printing


1. If your city or town is not listed, please contact us and we will add it.

2. On the calendar, latitude and longitude will be shown with the notation "not for navigational purposes". Please see the Accuracy page for the reason why.

Classic The Classic pages -- Predefined Locations (this page), Custom, and the Calendar -- are the previous versions of the pages before the site was converted to html5. They will have the small Classic graphic near their title. These are the only three pages with the previous format.

You can also choose 'Classic Version' on the new calendar page to generate that calendar using the old format.


- O R -

Enter Your Own Location

To enter your own location you must agree to the following statements:

I understand the meaning of the terms longitude and latitude.
I know the longitude and latitude of the location for which I am requesting a calendar. This includes knowing whether the longitude is east or west and whether the latitude is north or south.
I know the time difference in hours to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) for the location I am entering.
I understand that entering incorrect values to the following form will produce unusable results.

I agree with those statements, go to the Custom Location Entry page.

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